Package: metafor 4.9-2

metafor: Meta-Analysis Package for R

A comprehensive collection of functions for conducting meta-analyses in R. The package includes functions to calculate various effect sizes or outcome measures, fit equal-, fixed-, random-, and mixed-effects models to such data, carry out moderator and meta-regression analyses, and create various types of meta-analytical plots (e.g., forest, funnel, radial, L'Abbe, Baujat, bubble, and GOSH plots). For meta-analyses of binomial and person-time data, the package also provides functions that implement specialized methods, including the Mantel-Haenszel method, Peto's method, and a variety of suitable generalized linear (mixed-effects) models (i.e., mixed-effects logistic and Poisson regression models). Finally, the package provides functionality for fitting meta-analytic multivariate/multilevel models that account for non-independent sampling errors and/or true effects (e.g., due to the inclusion of multiple treatment studies, multiple endpoints, or other forms of clustering). Network meta-analyses and meta-analyses accounting for known correlation structures (e.g., due to phylogenetic relatedness) can also be conducted. An introduction to the package can be found in Viechtbauer (2010) <doi:10.18637/jss.v036.i03>.

Authors:Wolfgang Viechtbauer [aut, cre]

metafor.pdf |metafor.html
metafor/json (API)

# Install 'metafor' in R:
install.packages('metafor', repos = c('', ''))

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Conducting Meta-Analyses in R with the metafor Package

Rendered frommetafor.pdf.asisusingR.rsp::asison Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2020-03-10
Started: 2015-11-30

Diagram of Functions in the metafor Package

Rendered fromdiagram.pdf.asisusingR.rsp::asison Mar 05 2025.

Last update: 2020-03-10
Started: 2017-04-23

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
metafor: A Meta-Analysis Package for Rmetafor-package metafor
Add Polygons to Forest Plotsaddpoly
Add Polygons to Forest Plots (Default Method)addpoly.default
Add Polygons to Forest Plots (Method for 'predict.rma' Objects)addpoly.predict.rma
Add Polygons to Forest Plots (Method for 'rma' Objects)addpoly.rma
Aggregate Multiple Effect Sizes or Outcomes Within Studiesaggregate aggregate.escalc
Likelihood Ratio and Wald-Type Tests for 'rma' Objectsanova anova.rma
Baujat Plots for 'rma' Objectsbaujat baujat.rma
Construct Block Diagonal Matrixbldiag
Split Block Diagonal Matrixblsplit
Best Linear Unbiased Predictions for 'rma.uni' Objectsblup blup.rma.uni
Extract the Estimates and Variance-Covariance Matrix from 'deltamethod' Objectscoef.deltamethod vcov.deltamethod
Extract the Model Coefficients and Variance-Covariance Matrix from 'matreg' Objectscoef.matreg vcov.matreg
Extract the Model Coefficient Table from 'permutest.rma.uni' Objectscoef.permutest.rma.uni
Extract the Model Coefficients and Coefficient Table from 'rma' and 'summary.rma' Objectscoef coef.rma coef.summary.rma
Confidence Intervals for 'rma' Objectsconfint confint.rma confint.rma.glmm confint.rma.peto confint.rma.uni confint.rma.uni.selmodel
Construct Contrast Matrix for Two-Group Comparisonscontrmat
Reconstruct Cell Frequencies of 2x2 Tablesconv.2x2
Transform Observed Effect Sizes or Outcomes and their Sampling Variances using the Delta
Estimate Means and Standard Deviations from Five-Number Summary Valuesconv.fivenum
Convert Wald-Type Confidence Intervals and Tests to Sampling Variancesconv.wald
Cumulative Meta-Analysis for 'rma' Objectscumul cumul.rma.peto cumul.rma.uni
Apply the (Multivariate) Delta Methoddeltamethod
Round Variables in a Data Framedfround
Create a Reference Grid for the 'emmeans' Functionemmprep
Calculate Effect Sizes and Outcome Measuresescalc
Fit Statistics and Information Criteria for 'rma' ObjectsAIC.rma BIC.rma deviance.rma df.residual.rma fitstats fitstats.rma logLik.rma nobs.rma
Fitted Values for 'rma' Objectsfitted fitted.rma
Forest Plotsforest
Forest Plots (Method for 'cumul.rma' Objects)forest.cumul.rma
Forest Plots (Default Method)forest.default
Forest Plots (Method for 'rma' Objects)forest.rma
Formatter Functionsfmtp fmtp2 fmtt fmtx formatters
Extract the Model Formula from 'rma' Objectsformula formula.rma
Fail-Safe N Analysis (File Drawer Analysis)fsn
Funnel Plotsfunnel funnel.default funnel.rma
GOSH Plots for 'rma' Objectsgosh gosh.rma
Meta-Analysis based on the Method by Henmi and Copas (2010)hc hc.rma.uni
Model Diagnostics for ''
Model Diagnostics for 'rma.uni' Objectscooks.distance cooks.distance.rma.uni dfbetas dfbetas.rma.uni hatvalues hatvalues.rma.uni influence influence.rma.uni print.infl.rma.uni
L'Abbe Plots for 'rma' Objectslabbe labbe.rma
Leave-One-Out Diagnostics for 'rma' Objectsleave1out leave1out.rma.peto leave1out.rma.uni
Plot of Likelihoods for Individual Studiesllplot
Fit Regression Models based on a Correlation and Covariance Matrixmatreg
Read News File of the Metafor
Getting and Setting Package Optionsgetmfopt mfopt setmfopt
Fixed-Effects and Random-Effects Models in Meta-Analysismisc-models misc_models
Miscellaneous Options and Featuresmisc-options misc_options
Some Recommended Practicesmisc-recs misc_recs
Extract the Model Matrix from 'rma' Objectsmodel.matrix model.matrix.rma
Construct a Pairwise Contrast Matrix for 'rma' Objectspairmat
Permutation Tests for 'rma.uni' Objectspermutest permutest.rma.uni
Plot Method for 'cumul.rma' Objectsplot.cumul.rma
Plot Method for 'gosh.rma' Objectsplot.gosh.rma
Plot Method for 'infl.rma.uni' Objectsplot.infl.rma.uni
Plot Method for 'permutest.rma.uni' Objectsplot.permutest.rma.uni
Plot Method for 'rma' Objectsplot.rma plot.rma.glmm plot.rma.peto plot.rma.uni
Plot Method for 'plot.rma.uni.selmodel' Objectsplot.rma.uni.selmodel
Plot Method for 'vif.rma' Objectsplot.vif.rma
Predicted Values for 'rma' Objectspredict predict.rma
Print Methods for 'anova.rma' and 'list.anova.rma' Objectsprint.anova.rma print.list.anova.rma
Print Methods for 'confint.rma' and 'list.confint.rma' Objectsprint.confint.rma print.list.confint.rma
Print Method for 'deltamethod' Objectsprint.deltamethod
Print and Summary Methods for 'escalc' Objectsprint.escalc summary.escalc
Print Method for 'fsn' Objectsprint.fsn
Print Method for 'gosh.rma' Objectsprint.gosh.rma
Print Method for 'hc.rma.uni' Objectsprint.hc.rma.uni
Print Method for 'list.rma' Objectsprint.list.rma
Print and Summary Methods for 'matreg' Objectsprint.matreg print.summary.matreg summary.matreg
Print Method for 'permutest.rma.uni' Objectsprint.permutest.rma.uni
Print Method for 'ranktest' Objectsprint.ranktest
Print Method for 'regtest' Objectsprint.regtest
Print and Summary Methods for 'rma' Objectsprint.rma print.rma.glmm print.rma.peto print.rma.uni print.summary.rma summary summary.rma
Profile Likelihood Plots for 'rma' Objectsplot.profile.rma print.profile.rma profile profile.rma profile.rma.uni profile.rma.uni.selmodel
Normal QQ Plots for 'rma' Objectsqqnorm qqnorm.rma qqnorm.rma.glmm qqnorm.rma.peto qqnorm.rma.uni
Radial (Galbraith) Plots for 'rma' Objectsgalbraith radial radial.rma
Best Linear Unbiased Predictions for 'rma.uni' and '' Objectsranef ranef.rma.uni
Rank Correlation Test for Funnel Plot Asymmetryranktest
Calculate the Variance-Covariance of Dependent Correlation Coefficientsrcalc
Scatter Plots / Bubble Plotspoints.regplot regplot regplot.rma
Regression Test for Funnel Plot Asymmetryregtest
Replace Missing Values in a Vectorreplmiss
Dynamically Generated Analysis Reports for 'rma.uni' Objectsreporter reporter.rma.uni
Residual Values based on 'rma' Objectsresiduals residuals.rma rstandard rstandard.rma.peto rstandard.rma.uni rstudent rstudent.rma.peto rstudent.rma.uni
Meta-Analysis via Generalized Linear (Mixed-Effects) Modelsrma.glmm
Meta-Analysis via the Mantel-Haenszel
Meta-Analysis via Multivariate/Multilevel Linear (Mixed-Effects)
Meta-Analysis via Peto's Methodrma.peto
Meta-Analysis via Linear (Mixed-Effects) Modelsrma rma.uni
Cluster-Robust Tests and Confidence Intervals for 'rma' Objectsrobust robust.rma.uni
Extract the Standard Errors from 'rma' Objectsse se.default se.rma
Selection Modelsselmodel selmodel.rma.uni
Simulate Method for 'rma' Objectssimulate simulate.rma
Test of Excess Significanceprint.tes tes
Convert Data from Vector to Long Formatto.long
Convert Data from Vector to Table Formatto.table
Convert Data from a Long to a Wide Formatto.wide
Transformation Functionstransf transf.abt transf.ahw transf.arcsin transf.dtobesd transf.dtocles transf.dtocliffd transf.dtolnor.logis transf.dtolnor.norm transf.dtomd transf.dtoovl transf.dtorbis transf.dtorpb transf.dtou1 transf.dtou2 transf.dtou3 transf.exp.mode transf.iabt transf.iahw transf.iarcsin transf.iirft transf.ilogit transf.ilogit.mode transf.ipft transf.irft transf.isqrt transf.lnortod.logis transf.lnortod.norm transf.lnortord transf.lnortorr transf.lnortortet.digby transf.lnortortet.pearson transf.logit transf.pft transf.r2toz transf.rpbtod transf.rpbtorbis transf.rtod transf.rtorpb transf.rtoz transf.ztor transf.ztor.mode transf.ztor2
Trim and Fill Analysis for 'rma.uni' Objectstrimfill trimfill.rma.uni
Model Updating for 'rma' Objectsupdate update.rma
Construct or Approximate the Variance-Covariance Matrix of Dependent Effect Sizes or Outcomesvcalc
Extract Various Types of Variance-Covariance Matrices from 'rma' Objectsvcov vcov.rma
Convert a Vector into a Square Matrixvec2mat
Variance Inflation Factors for 'rma' Objectsprint.vif.rma vif vif.rma
Compute Weights for 'rma' Objectsweights weights.rma weights.rma.glmm weights.rma.peto weights.rma.uni