Package: metadat 1.3-0

metadat: Meta-Analysis Datasets

A collection of meta-analysis datasets for teaching purposes, illustrating/testing meta-analytic methods, and validating published analyses.

Authors:Thomas White [aut], Daniel Noble [aut], Alistair Senior [aut], W. Kyle Hamilton [aut], Wolfgang Viechtbauer [aut, cre], Guido Schwarzer [dtc]

metadat.pdf |metadat.html
metadat/json (API)

# Install 'metadat' in R:
install.packages('metadat', repos = c('', ''))

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  • dat.aloe2013 - Studies on the Association Between Supervision Quality and Various Outcomes in Social, Mental Health, and Child Welfare Workers
  • dat.anand1999 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Oral Anticoagulants in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
  • dat.assink2016 - Studies on the Association between Recidivism and Mental Health
  • dat.axfors2021 - Mortality Outcomes with Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine in COVID-19 from an International Collaborative Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials
  • dat.bakdash2021 - Dataset on Situation Awareness and Task Performance Associations
  • dat.baker2009 - Studies on Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • dat.bangertdrowns2004 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Writing-to-Learn Interventions
  • dat.bartos2023 - Results of 350,757 Coin Flips to Examine Same-Side Bias
  • dat.baskerville2012 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Practice Facilitation Interventions
  • dat.bassler2004 - Studies on Ketotifen Alone or as Additional Medication for Long-Term Control of Asthma and Wheeze in Children
  • - Studies on the Effectiveness of the BCG Vaccine Against Tuberculosis
  • dat.begg1989 - Studies on Bone-Marrow Transplantation versus Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Leukemia
  • dat.berkey1998 - Studies on Treatments for Periodontal Disease
  • dat.besson2016 - Dataset on How Maternal Diet Impacts Copying Styles in Rodents
  • dat.bonett2010 - Studies on the Reliability of the CES-D Scale
  • dat.bornmann2007 - Studies on Gender Differences in Grant and Fellowship Awards
  • dat.bourassa1996 - Studies on the Association between Handedness and Eye-Dominance
  • dat.cannon2006 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Intensive Versus Moderate Statin Therapy for Preventing Coronary Death or Myocardial Infarction
  • dat.cohen1981 - Studies on the Relationship between Course Instructor Ratings and Student Achievement
  • dat.colditz1994 - Studies on the Effectiveness of the BCG Vaccine Against Tuberculosis
  • dat.collins1985a - Studies on the Treatment of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding by a Histamine H2 Antagonist
  • dat.collins1985b - Studies on the Effects of Diuretics in Pregnancy
  • dat.craft2003 - Studies on the Relationship between the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 and Sport Performance
  • dat.crede2010 - Studies on the Relationship between Class Attendance and Grades in College Students
  • dat.crisafulli2020 - Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Prevalence Data
  • dat.curtin2002 - Studies on Potassium Supplementation to Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressure
  • dat.curtis1998 - Studies on the Effects of Elevated CO2 Levels on Woody Plant Mass
  • dat.dagostino1998 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Antihistamines in Reducing Symptoms of the Common Cold
  • dat.damico2009 - Studies on Topical plus Systemic Antibiotics to Prevent Respiratory Tract Infections
  • dat.debruin2009 - Studies on Standard Care Quality and HAART-Adherence
  • dat.dogliotti2014 - Studies on Antithrombotic Treatments to Prevent Strokes
  • dat.dong2013 - Studies on Safety of Inhaled Medications for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • dat.dorn2007 - Studies on Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • dat.dumouchel1994 - Nitrogen dioxide data set
  • dat.egger2001 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Intravenous Magnesium in Acute Myocardial Infarction
  • dat.fine1993 - Studies on Radiation Therapy with or without Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Malignant Gliomas
  • dat.franchini2012 - Studies on Dopamine Agonists to Reduce "Off-Time" in Patients with Advanced Parkinson Disease
  • dat.frank2008 - Studies on the Association Between the CASP8 -652 6N del Promoter Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Risk
  • dat.furukawa2003 - Studies on Low Dosage Tricyclic Antidepressants for the Treatment of Depression
  • dat.gibson2002 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Self-Management Education and Regular Medical Review for Adults with Asthma
  • dat.graves2010 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Injected Cholera Vaccines
  • dat.gurusamy2011 - Studies on Interventions to Reduce Mortality after Liver Transplantation
  • dat.hackshaw1998 - Studies on the Risk of Lung Cancer in Women Exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smoke
  • dat.hahn2001 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Different Rehydration Solutions for the Prevention of Unscheduled Intravenous Infusion in Children with Diarrhoea
  • dat.hannum2020 - Studies Comparing Objective and Subjective Olfactory Loss in COVID-19 Patients
  • dat.hart1999 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Warfarin for Preventing Strokes
  • dat.hartmannboyce2018 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Smoking Cessation
  • dat.hasselblad1998 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Counseling for Smoking Cessation
  • dat.hine1989 - Studies on Prophylactic Use of Lidocaine After a Heart Attack
  • dat.ishak2007 - Studies on Deep-Brain Stimulation in Patients with Parkinson's disease
  • dat.kalaian1996 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Coaching for the SAT
  • dat.kearon1998 - Studies on the Accuracy of Venous Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosis
  • dat.knapp2017 - Studies on Differences in Planning Performance in Schizophrenia Patients versus Healthy Controls
  • dat.konstantopoulos2011 - Studies on the Effects of Modified School Calendars on Student Achievement
  • dat.landenberger2005 - Studies on the Effectiveness of CBT for Reducing Recidivism
  • dat.laopaiboon2015 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Azithromycin for Treating Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
  • dat.lau1992 - Studies on Intravenous Streptokinase for Acute Myocardial Infarction
  • dat.lee2004 - Studies on Acupoint P6 Stimulation for Preventing Nausea
  • dat.lehmann2018 - The Effect of Red on Perceived Attractiveness
  • dat.li2007 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Intravenous Magnesium in Acute Myocardial Infarction
  • dat.lim2014 - Studies on the Association Between Maternal Size, Offspring Size, and Number of Offsprings
  • dat.linde2005 - Studies on the Effectiveness of St. John's Wort for Treating Depression
  • dat.linde2015 - Studies on Classes of Antidepressants for the Primary Care Setting
  • dat.linde2016 - Studies on Antidepressants for the Primary Care Setting
  • dat.lopez2019 - Studies on the Effectiveness of CBT for Depression
  • dat.maire2019 - Studies on Temporal Trends in Fish Community Structures in French Rivers
  • dat.mccurdy2020 - Studies on the Generation Effect
  • dat.mcdaniel1994 - Studies on the Validity of Employment Interviews
  • dat.michael2013 - The Non-Persuasive Power of a Brain Image
  • dat.molloy2014 - Studies on the Relationship between Conscientiousness and Medication Adherence
  • dat.moura2021 - Studies on Assortative Mating
  • dat.nakagawa2007 - Assessing the Function of House Sparrows' Bib Size Using a Flexible Meta-Analysis Method
  • dat.nielweise2007 - Studies on Anti-Infective-Treated Central Venous Catheters for Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections
  • dat.nielweise2008 - Studies on Anti-Infective-Treated Central Venous Catheters for Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections
  • dat.normand1999 - Studies on the Length of Hospital Stay of Stroke Patients
  • dat.obrien2003 - Studies on the Relationship Between BMI and Risk of Preeclampsia
  • dat.pagliaro1992 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Nonsurgical Treatments in Cirrhosis
  • dat.pignon2000 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Locoregional Treatment plus Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Squamous-Cell Carcinoma
  • dat.pritz1997 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Hyperdynamic Therapy for Treating Cerebral Vasospasm
  • dat.raudenbush1985 - Studies on Assessing the Effects of Teacher Expectations on Pupil IQ
  • dat.riley2003 - Studies on MYC-N as a Prognostic Marker for Neuroblastoma
  • dat.roever2022 - Irinotecan / S-1 Toxicity Dataset
  • dat.senn2013 - Studies on the Effectiveness of Glucose-Lowering Agents
  • dat.spooner2002 - Studies on Nedocromil Sodium for Preventing Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction
  • dat.stowe2010 - Studies on Adjuvant Treatments to Levodopa Therapy for Parkinson disease
  • dat.tannersmith2016 - Studies on the Relationship between School Motivation and Criminal Behavior
  • dat.ursino2021 - Sorafenib Toxicity Dataset
  • dat.vanhowe1999 - Studies on the Association between Circumcision and HIV Infection
  • dat.viechtbauer2021 - Studies to Illustrate Model Checking Methods
  • dat.white2020 - Studies on the Relationship between Sexual Signal Expression and Individual Quality
  • dat.woods2010 - Studies on Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • dat.yusuf1985 - Studies of Beta Blockers During and After Myocardial Infarction



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Meta-Analysis Datasets for Rmetadat-package metadat
Studies on the Association Between Supervision Quality and Various Outcomes in Social, Mental Health, and Child Welfare Workersdat.aloe2013
Studies on the Effectiveness of Oral Anticoagulants in Patients with Coronary Artery Diseasedat.anand1999
Studies on the Association between Recidivism and Mental Healthdat.assink2016
Mortality Outcomes with Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine in COVID-19 from an International Collaborative Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trialsdat.axfors2021
Dataset on Situation Awareness and Task Performance Associationsdat.bakdash2021
Studies on Pharmacologic Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasedat.baker2009
Studies on the Effectiveness of Writing-to-Learn Interventionsdat.bangertdrowns2004
Results of 350,757 Coin Flips to Examine Same-Side Biasdat.bartos2023
Studies on the Effectiveness of Practice Facilitation Interventionsdat.baskerville2012
Studies on Ketotifen Alone or as Additional Medication for Long-Term Control of Asthma and Wheeze in Childrendat.bassler2004
Studies on the Effectiveness of the BCG Vaccine Against
Studies on Bone-Marrow Transplantation versus Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Leukemiadat.begg1989
Studies on Treatments for Periodontal Diseasedat.berkey1998
Dataset on How Maternal Diet Impacts Copying Styles in Rodentsdat.besson2016
Studies on the Reliability of the CES-D Scaledat.bonett2010
Studies on Gender Differences in Grant and Fellowship Awardsdat.bornmann2007
Studies on the Association between Handedness and Eye-Dominancedat.bourassa1996
Studies on the Effectiveness of Intensive Versus Moderate Statin Therapy for Preventing Coronary Death or Myocardial Infarctiondat.cannon2006
Studies on the Relationship between Course Instructor Ratings and Student Achievementdat.cohen1981
Studies on the Effectiveness of the BCG Vaccine Against Tuberculosisdat.colditz1994
Studies on the Treatment of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding by a Histamine H2 Antagonistdat.collins1985a
Studies on the Effects of Diuretics in Pregnancydat.collins1985b
Studies on the Relationship between the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 and Sport Performancedat.craft2003
Studies on the Relationship between Class Attendance and Grades in College Studentsdat.crede2010
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Prevalence Datadat.crisafulli2020
Studies on Potassium Supplementation to Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressuredat.curtin2002
Studies on the Effects of Elevated CO2 Levels on Woody Plant Massdat.curtis1998
Studies on the Effectiveness of Antihistamines in Reducing Symptoms of the Common Colddat.dagostino1998
Studies on Topical plus Systemic Antibiotics to Prevent Respiratory Tract Infectionsdat.damico2009
Studies on Standard Care Quality and HAART-Adherencedat.debruin2009
Studies on Antithrombotic Treatments to Prevent Strokesdat.dogliotti2014
Studies on Safety of Inhaled Medications for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasedat.dong2013
Studies on Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Irritable Bowel Syndromedat.dorn2007
Nitrogen dioxide data setdat.dumouchel1994
Studies on the Effectiveness of Intravenous Magnesium in Acute Myocardial Infarctiondat.egger2001
Studies on Radiation Therapy with or without Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Malignant Gliomasdat.fine1993
Studies on Dopamine Agonists to Reduce "Off-Time" in Patients with Advanced Parkinson Diseasedat.franchini2012
Studies on the Association Between the CASP8 -652 6N del Promoter Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Riskdat.frank2008
Studies on Low Dosage Tricyclic Antidepressants for the Treatment of Depressiondat.furukawa2003
Studies on the Effectiveness of Self-Management Education and Regular Medical Review for Adults with Asthmadat.gibson2002
Studies on the Effectiveness of Injected Cholera Vaccinesdat.graves2010
Studies on Interventions to Reduce Mortality after Liver Transplantationdat.gurusamy2011
Studies on the Risk of Lung Cancer in Women Exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smokedat.hackshaw1998
Studies on the Effectiveness of Different Rehydration Solutions for the Prevention of Unscheduled Intravenous Infusion in Children with Diarrhoeadat.hahn2001
Studies Comparing Objective and Subjective Olfactory Loss in COVID-19 Patientsdat.hannum2020
Studies on the Effectiveness of Warfarin for Preventing Strokesdat.hart1999
Studies on the Effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Smoking Cessationdat.hartmannboyce2018
Studies on the Effectiveness of Counseling for Smoking Cessationdat.hasselblad1998
Studies on Prophylactic Use of Lidocaine After a Heart Attackdat.hine1989
Studies on Deep-Brain Stimulation in Patients with Parkinson's diseasedat.ishak2007
Studies on the Effectiveness of Coaching for the SATdat.kalaian1996
Studies on the Accuracy of Venous Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Deep Venous Thrombosisdat.kearon1998
Studies on Differences in Planning Performance in Schizophrenia Patients versus Healthy Controlsdat.knapp2017
Studies on the Effects of Modified School Calendars on Student Achievementdat.konstantopoulos2011
Studies on the Effectiveness of CBT for Reducing Recidivismdat.landenberger2005
Studies on the Effectiveness of Azithromycin for Treating Lower Respiratory Tract Infectionsdat.laopaiboon2015
Studies on Intravenous Streptokinase for Acute Myocardial Infarctiondat.lau1992
Studies on Acupoint P6 Stimulation for Preventing Nauseadat.lee2004
The Effect of Red on Perceived Attractivenessdat.lehmann2018
Studies on the Effectiveness of Intravenous Magnesium in Acute Myocardial Infarctiondat.li2007
Studies on the Association Between Maternal Size, Offspring Size, and Number of Offspringsdat.lim2014
Studies on the Effectiveness of St. John's Wort for Treating Depressiondat.linde2005
Studies on Classes of Antidepressants for the Primary Care Settingdat.linde2015
Studies on Antidepressants for the Primary Care Settingdat.linde2016
Studies on the Effectiveness of CBT for Depressiondat.lopez2019
Studies on Temporal Trends in Fish Community Structures in French Riversdat.maire2019
Studies on the Generation Effectdat.mccurdy2020
Studies on the Validity of Employment Interviewsdat.mcdaniel1994
The Non-Persuasive Power of a Brain Imagedat.michael2013
Studies on the Relationship between Conscientiousness and Medication Adherencedat.molloy2014
Studies on Assortative Matingdat.moura2021
Assessing the Function of House Sparrows' Bib Size Using a Flexible Meta-Analysis Methoddat.nakagawa2007
Studies on Anti-Infective-Treated Central Venous Catheters for Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infectionsdat.nielweise2007
Studies on Anti-Infective-Treated Central Venous Catheters for Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infectionsdat.nielweise2008
Studies on the Length of Hospital Stay of Stroke Patientsdat.normand1999
Studies on the Relationship Between BMI and Risk of Preeclampsiadat.obrien2003
Studies on the Effectiveness of Nonsurgical Treatments in Cirrhosisdat.pagliaro1992
Studies on the Effectiveness of Locoregional Treatment plus Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Squamous-Cell Carcinomadat.pignon2000
Studies on the Effectiveness of Hyperdynamic Therapy for Treating Cerebral Vasospasmdat.pritz1997
Studies on Assessing the Effects of Teacher Expectations on Pupil IQdat.raudenbush1985
Studies on MYC-N as a Prognostic Marker for Neuroblastomadat.riley2003
Irinotecan / S-1 Toxicity Datasetdat.roever2022
Studies on the Effectiveness of Glucose-Lowering Agentsdat.senn2013
Studies on Nedocromil Sodium for Preventing Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstrictiondat.spooner2002
Studies on Adjuvant Treatments to Levodopa Therapy for Parkinson diseasedat.stowe2010
Studies on the Relationship between School Motivation and Criminal Behaviordat.tannersmith2016
Sorafenib Toxicity Datasetdat.ursino2021
Studies on the Association between Circumcision and HIV Infectiondat.vanhowe1999
Studies to Illustrate Model Checking Methodsdat.viechtbauer2021
Studies on the Relationship between Sexual Signal Expression and Individual Qualitydat.white2020
Studies on Treatments for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasedat.woods2010
Studies of Beta Blockers During and After Myocardial Infarctiondat.yusuf1985
Search Function for the Datasetsdatsearch